Apr 25, 2018
In today's episode, Katy and Cody discuss the working man's hero and anti-elite gladiator Sean Hannity, who owns 870 houses. They also AGREE WITH EACH OTHER COMPLETELY about the pearl-clutching surrounding offensive tweets about the deaths of rich and powerful world figures. They also discuss the awful and hypocritical...
Apr 18, 2018
In today's episode, Cody and Katy discuss Ben Shapiro's fans and parenting skills, and the value of comforting your crying child by citing a statistic about the percentage of female enrollment in dental school in 2014. They also talk about Comey's "bombshell" interview, the tragic #WeToo life of Charlie Rose, and...
Apr 14, 2018
In this bonus episode, Katy and Cody trick you into listening to Cody and Katy listen to Robert Evans discuss the president's decision to strike Syria, as well as other conflicts in the Middle East, as well as some historical context to what's going on in the Middle East, AS WELL AS the best falafel he's ever had (in...
Apr 11, 2018
In today's Even More News, Cody and Katy discuss the President's building catching fire and how it sucks that this guy makes us laugh at tragedies. They also discuss Zuck's adventure to Washington as he is forced to answer a bunch of old guys' questions about The Facebook. And finally, they comment on the new...
Apr 4, 2018
In today’s episode, Cody and Katy discuss Roseanne which only half of them have seen, react in realtime to the president’s insane and sudden barrage of immigration tweets, and discuss, you know, the slavery and disenfranchisement still embedded in our country via the disproportionate imprisonment of communities...